VG 100mg/ml

NicBase VG-100 1000L

NicBase VG-100 1000L

NicBase is a high-quality nicotine base dedicated to e-liquid manufacturing. Produced of PureNic 99+ (USP/EP) and pharmaceutical PG/VG Manufactured in an oxygen-free environment under ISO certified procedures Highest and repeatable quality of every batch (nicotine distilled in Poland; 4-Steps Quality Verification) ...

NicBase VG-100 600L

NicBase VG-100 600L

NicBase is a high-quality nicotine base dedicated to e-liquid manufacturing. Produced of PureNic 99+ (USP/EP) and pharmaceutical PG/VG Manufactured in an oxygen-free environment under ISO certified procedures Highest and repeatable quality of every batch (nicotine distilled in Poland; 4-Steps Quality Verification) ...

NicBase VG-100 200L

NicBase VG-100 200L

NicBase is a high-quality nicotine base dedicated to e-liquid manufacturing. Produced of PureNic 99+ (USP/EP) and pharmaceutical PG/VG Manufactured in an oxygen-free environment under ISO certified procedures Highest and repeatable quality of every batch (nicotine distilled in Poland; 4-Steps Quality Verification) ...

NicBase VG-100 30L

NicBase VG-100 30L

NicBase is a high-quality nicotine base dedicated to e-liquid manufacturing. Produced of PureNic 99+ (USP/EP) and pharmaceutical PG/VG Manufactured in an oxygen-free environment under ISO certified procedures Highest and repeatable quality of every batch (nicotine distilled in Poland; 4-Steps Quality Verification) ...

NicBase VG-100 10L

NicBase VG-100 10L

NicBase is a high-quality nicotine base dedicated to e-liquid manufacturing. Produced of PureNic 99+ (USP/EP) and pharmaceutical PG/VG Manufactured in an oxygen-free environment under ISO certified procedures Highest and repeatable quality of every batch (nicotine distilled in Poland; 4-Steps Quality Verification) ...

Glicerina Vegetal 100mg/ml; 1000ml

Glicerina Vegetal 100mg/ml; 1000ml

Contenido de nicotina: 6 mg / mlAspecto: incoloro, transparente, sin aromaProtección contra la oxidación: fabricado y cerrado en ambiente de nitrógenoVida útil: 2 años si no se abre. 14 días después de la apertura si se almacena en un recipiente hermético, en una habitación fría y seca, protegido de la luz.Condiciones de almacenamiento sugeridas: Área seca, ventilada y oscura, lejos de fuentes de calor en un embalaje original herméticamente cerrado a una temperatura de 0-10ºC....

NicBase VG-100 100ml

NicBase VG-100 100ml

NicBase is a high-quality nicotine base dedicated to e-liquid manufacturing. Produced of PureNic 99+ (USP/EP) and pharmaceutical PG/VG Manufactured in an oxygen-free environment under ISO certified procedures Highest and repeatable quality of every batch (nicotine distilled in Poland; 4-Steps Quality Verification) ...